Backup vs. Synchronization

Multi-way, Work on Files in Any Location, Files in All Locations are Updated
File Synchronization (or 'synching') is the process of ensuring that two or more locations contain the same up-to-date files. If you add, change, or delete a file from one location, the synchronization process will add, change, or delete the same file at the other location. Files are copied in both directions, keeping the two or more locations in sync with each other. AllSync will not only synchronize all your data, but analyze, filter, and display results, ensuring you avoid duplicates and synchronize only the files you need.
File synchronization maintains the same version of files on multiple locations, such as directories on a computer, or removable storage devices such as flash drives. In other words, when two locations are synchronized, the most current version of a file is available at all locations, regardless of where it was last modified. Although it is possible to synchronize directories manually, using a software tool is faster and less error-prone. As technology progresses and we become more computer dependent, file synchronization becomes even more important for everyone who has more than one computer. The makers of AllSync understand the importance of synching and thoroughly test the reliability, security, speed, and consistency of this highly regarded tool.

One-way, Work on Files in One Location, Files are Backed-up to Another Location
Backup refers to copying of data from one location to another. Backing up your data is a necessity, so that when important images, spreadsheets, MP3s, financial documents, and E-Mails are lost, you are able to easily restore them with your backup copy. With Backups, copies of data are always sent in one direction, to a location where it can be safely stored.
Backing up your files is important whether you want to completely restore a computer following a crash, or to restore small numbers of files after they have been accidentally deleted or corrupted. Backups are typically the last line of defense against data loss. With AllSync you can back up files to a different location or device, including but not limited to flash drives, servers, laptops, desktops, and other external drives. All backups done with AllSync are fast and secure, and can be completed over the Internet or to a server.
AllSync is highly robust yet easy-to-use software. It is advanced enough to synchronize as well as Back Up all your files, yet simple enough for a novice to use. With AllSync you can schedule your backups or synchronizations to take place automatically and be assured all your files are safe and up-to-date, allowing you to enjoy complete peace of mind.