There are situations where (at least) Info Viewer / EXIF / Media Info (Plugin)
go to a "busy" state, & where further actions with said plugins, fail.
new instance (so no pre-existing config4.ini)
open AllDup
add a directory of test files
Code: Select all
A.exe (alldupportable.exe works, 5 MB)
M.ocx (mtframe.ocx works, 200 KB)
a small .wmv (say ~360 KB)
& 2 small .jpg (say ~90 & 180 KB)
select all those files, Copy/Paste, such that they are all dup'd (all within the same directory is fine)
Search Method: Size
Start Search
- Search Results open, & the search result details display in the Preview Window
Expand All
- most likely, A.exe is listed first, followed by the .wmv, then M.ocx, & then the 2 sets of small .jpg
[This, the ordering, at least having the .exe turn up first, looks to be PERTINENT to duplicate the issue.
That said, i have also seen this when only "image" files were used, so no .exe at all, so there are other
"triggers" too.]
Arrow-key down to "A - Copy.exe"
Move mouse cursor over (i.e., hover) the Preview Window
- note that the mouse icon changes to a "busy pointer" & the Preview Window is blank
Arrow-key down to the .wmv
- most likely it will preview (play)
Arrow-key down to the .ocx
- note that again the "busy pointer" returns
Arrow-key down to the .jpg
- note that the "busy pointer" persists & that the actual image is not displayed
(the thumbnails themselves were generated, do exist [in /temp/GUID/],
& the preview of said thumbs do display when you land on the .jpg Group itself)
Reopen AllDup
Start Search
- at this point, double-click the Size column, twice (such that it is in ascending size order)
Now follow the steps above, starting with:
Expand All
This time, things work.
The images are displayed, the .ocx displays basic data about it, the .wmv plays,
& the .exe also displays basic data about it.
Similar machinations also exist (at least) with EXIF/Media Info (Plugin).
Messing around futher, may get things back working again, but i'm unsure of set
steps to get it working?